
Showing posts from 2012

My last day in Mariestad...

Hey, everyone  and good evening!       It's about 6:30 PM here in Thailand and the sky is getting darker and darker. I just finished reading "Twilight, Breaking Dawn". Has anyone read the book? I've seen the movie , but I was very surprised about how much detail was missing from the book. Maybe it wasn't so necessary to put everything from the book in the movie, but for me, I think that reading the book was much more fun and exciting than watching the movie. So as usual (since I started blogging) last night I tried to rewind my memories until those last few days I had in Sweden. It was pretty hard for me to go back and feel the pain again, but sometimes I think it's good for me, cuz somehow it makes me stronger. Let's continue from yesterday..

The Beginning...

Good afternoon !      It's a beautiful Sunday day here in Bangkok, Thailand and the weather is kind of hotter than usual... The sun is shining brightly up in the sky with some clouds. Last night was a pretty long night for me. I was thinking and picturing the memories of my life in Sweden and trying re-experience them until like 12:00 AM. After I wrote the last blog I got very emotional. I started thinking and missing Sweden very very much.. But it felt really good cuz I haven't been feeling like that in a pretty long time. And I'm very happy that those memories are still there. Maybe not every memory but I feel that most of them are still here! :) So.. Let's continue from the last blog...

First blog...

Hey everyone! Just created a blog and I've been thinking about blogging for a while but I haven't been able to decide whether or not i should start blogging... But I've decided now and I guess it was a pretty good decision.. For now.. :) So... Here's a little bit about myself. I'm a 18 year old girl born in Sweden with Thai parents, lived in Sweden for 13 years but currently living in Thailand. It may sound complicated but that's just the beginning...   My life begun in a little town in the middle of Sweden next to Swedens biggest lake Vänern. It was (and still is) one of the most beautiful town I've ever seen.. It's a historic and very very peaceful town with so many adorable, helpful and lovely people. It was a dream town to me. In my eyes this town was the perfect place for me. I wanted to live here like, forever! I had been to many towns in Sweden but nothing was better tha n this. Well it was not just a town to me. It was my home.... The place wh...