
Showing posts from 2013

A picture is worth a thousand words!

What do you see in this picture?   Comment below and tell me!            They say that one single picture can be worth more and a thousand words. It's the meaning of how much a picture can speak and describe to you without even saying a word. It's the magic of photographing. If you just put your heart into the camera through the lenses and to the picture, even if it's just a picture of a raindrop, it can tell you a whole story. Like kids drawing! Sometimes it's just a house with a sun in the corner with a house and some birds. That's just how we see it, but when the kids describe the drawing it's a whole new and amazing world of fantasy!                         So what do you see in this picture above?

My last 3 days in Sweden. (Finally here, sorry for the delay!)

Hey, everyone!        It's Monday, April 22nd today and it's been a pretty boring day for me... I haven't got anything to do at all.. So I've basically just been watching movies, listening to music and reading. I am so bored.. So I figured out that I should be writing my blog and continue about my three last days in Sweden. To be honest, I have to say that I don't remember that much about it but I've been through some pictures and I recreated some memories.       As much as I can remember,

Something I'd like to share!

Good afternoon from Thailand! :) Do you remember what I wrote in one of my last blogs? Well, had a pretty hard time remembering so I took a look at it and I have to say that I could have wrote it better.. I know I said that I was gonna write and try to remember as much as I could about my last day in Sweden, but for this time, I just want you to know a little about me.


Hello, everyone!   I am so sorry I haven't been blogging in a long long while! I have to admit that I've been so bad at using the computer lately. Soo much has happened to me since my last blog (which was like last year) but I'm so excited to tell you guys about it. At first