Hello, everyone!
I am so sorry I haven't been blogging in a long long while! I have to admit that I've been so bad at using the computer lately. Soo much has happened to me since my last blog (which was like last year) but I'm so excited to tell you guys about it.
At first
as you all might have known for like over 4 months now it's a new year. It's 2013 and so far for me it has been a pretty good year. It started our good when it was my 18th birthday on February 4th!!!! I can't believe I'm actually 18 now. So with this birthday comes many things. I feel so much more mature now, well and a little old... But let's now waste that thought now :P
as you all might have known for like over 4 months now it's a new year. It's 2013 and so far for me it has been a pretty good year. It started our good when it was my 18th birthday on February 4th!!!! I can't believe I'm actually 18 now. So with this birthday comes many things. I feel so much more mature now, well and a little old... But let's now waste that thought now :P
Now that I'm 18 here in Thailand you get to make a drivers license! And that was about the first things I didn't do.
At the beginning of the year, it's when everything in school is as hard and complicated as it can be. Our summer break (holiday) here in Thailand is from March to May. I know what you're thinking "What?! you have summer when it's spring in most of the countries around the world. Crazy!!"
But here in Thailand we only have 3 seasons. Summer, Rainy Season and Winter (without snow OFC).
So the weather here is hottest in March to about June. So in February is when we have to clear our work at school and make sure we get a good grade when we graduate 10th grade. It was a lot of work. A lot, I tell you.!! And like most people I have to admit that I'm one of the persons who doesn't like the school that much. I mean who does?!! I literary go to school to meet my friends. But this year has been different. As I said, I feel more mature now and with that I feel that I have to take more responsibility in my life, especially with school. So I have been a pretty good girl this year. (And by that I mean at the end of the term.. :P)
So with all that it's been so hard for me to have time to go and make a drivers license... It sucks when you really want to do something and you can't... So it took me about more than a month waiting before I could make a drivers license. And now ---> more than two months after my birthday I finally got my license!!!
It was hard. With all the tests and driving and all but I finally made it. But it's really too bad that a Thai license can approve you to drive in another country, like Sweden. They should have like "All Around The World Drivers License"!! If they don't already have that.. Let me know..!
And with that now I also have like two and a half month break from school cuz it's finally summer here!!
And by summer the weather is like super hot! It's been raining like two or three days, but it's still hot. Like up to 38°C. Hot I tell you. And with no beach in Bangkok we have to travel ad least 1 and a half hour to get ti the closest beach. So if you live in like Phuket or in another city that's close to the beach, you're lucky. Except that you get burn very very fast. I have a feeling that I need a vacation. I haven't been doing so much since the school closed. Except watching movies and series...
Speaking of series, has anyone watched Pretty Little Liars? It's my favorite show and I love it soo much!!
Let me know if you have! It would be fun to know someone that have the same taste in series that I do.
Well, nuff said for today.. This has been a little about my life in this year so far.
I know I promised that I was gonna tell you about my 3 last days in Sweden and I will.
As soon as I can.
Hope everyone is having a good 2013 and I wish you'll a late late happy new year!
xoxo itsfaarida
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