My last 3 days in Sweden. (Finally here, sorry for the delay!)

Hey, everyone! 

      It's Monday, April 22nd today and it's been a pretty boring day for me... I haven't got anything to do at all.. So I've basically just been watching movies, listening to music and reading. I am so bored.. So I figured out that I should be writing my blog and continue about my three last days in Sweden. To be honest, I have to say that I don't remember that much about it but I've been through some pictures and I recreated some memories.

      As much as I can remember,
we went from Mariestad (my home town) to Gothenburg (Sweden's second biggest city) to stay at my big sisters and her fiance (boyfriend at that time) home. The trip from Mariestad to Gothenburg went very fast. Even though it's about over 170 km. I remember crying so much when we drove out of Mariestad. I cried so much, that I fell asleep. As a 13-year-old little girl it way a hard thing to go, though. I can't image how those people who often have to move from town to town and who has a hard time settle down in one place or another... 

      So I woke up when we arrived at my sisters place and I remember that I was still very miserable, but I was very happy to meet my sister again. 
That first day I remembered that we rested. After a long drive. But the second day went to Liseberg. Anyone ever heard of it? If you haven't here's some facts 

-----> Liseberg is an amusement park located in Gothenburg, Sweden that opened in 1923. Liseberg is one of the most visited amusement parks in Scandinavia, attracting about 3 million visitors annually. Among the noteworthy attractions is the wooden roller coaster Balder voted twice (2003 and 2005) as the Best Wooden Tracked Roller Coaster in the world in a major international poll. The park itself has also been chosen as one of the top ten amusement parks in the world (2005) by Forbes Magazine.<-----

      I had an amazing time and I have to thank my sister and her fiance for that. It was a very very good way to keep my mind of all the thinks that's been happening and were about to happen. 

      The third and last day was one of the hardest days for me ever!! We were going to the airport to fly to Thailand. The time had arrived, faster than I could ever imagine... My two brothers who lived in Lidköping at that time came to send us to the airport. 
I traveled in my youngest big brothers car when mom, dad, my oldest brother traveled in my sisters car. I remember that we were going to Landvetter Airport. It's the main airport in Gothenburg but when we arrived we couldn't find our flight. My reaction the "OMG! We're early" but then we asked in the information box and they said that we were at the wrong airport!! Everyone was shocked, and me, kind of relieved cuz I didn't want to move... The checked our tickets and we found out that we only had ONE HOUR to our flight in the other airport. So we rushed to Gothenburg City Airport which I found out that it was on the other side of the city. My reaction now was "OMG, we're not gonna make it" (In a happy way)
But we drove fast, very fast and at that time my brother and I were listening to Lady Gaga's "Just Dance". At that she not many people knew who she was but I'm proud to say that I really loved that song. We played it on repeat over and over again and with our car windows open we cranked up the volume and just enjoyed the moment.. It felt great. I mean it was another great way to just enjoy my time with my brother and to clear my head. But with so much fun comes also the punishment. I mean the trip to the airport went fast. I mean very fast. When we arrived we had to hurry to get in the plane and not to miss our flight. 
To be honest. It felt good that I was going to experience a new life in another country, but it really sucked that I had to leave all of this. My friends, my siblings, my birth home, and my home. 

     That last scene, at the airport, when we were about to get on the plane, that last moment with my siblings was a really emotional and hard moment for all of us. I honestly can remember the last time I cried that much.  Lucky me, I knew that I was going to see them again. Cuz they always come to Thailand to visit our cousins and family. So that was a relief for me. But the hardest part was that I didn't know when I was going to come back to Sweden. How many years it would take me to get enough money and actually come back here. To my home... 

     So I that day, I didn't only say goodbye to my siblings and friends, but I also said goodbye to my home. As we walked to check in I remember taking my last step into the plane and thinking "This is it. I'm officially leaving Sweden." And with tears running down my eyes I got on board the flight and we took off. 

      It was another journey for me. A different one from the others. It was time for me to think positive, try to fit in and try to have an awesome time in Bangkok.. My journey had begun and even though at that time I didn't really feel comfortable with the thought of moving, something in my heart was sure that I was going to be fine and that moving was the best thing for me.

      So... How do you think...? I have to apologize if my English grammar isn't so good, but I'm really trying to write as good as I can and it all comes from my heart and my memories.

I can actually still remember the feeling I had when we left Sweden. But now I think that moving was a very good experience and I have learned a lot from the 4 years I've been living here in Thailand. It's a totally different community and social life and it has taken me a pretty long time to fit in. But now I feel like an officially Thai person!!

Well, that's all from my last days in Sweden. Please comment below and tell me what you think. You can also ask questions and follow me on twitter or Instagram. 

My Instagram: ItsFaridaa

My Twitter: ItsFaridaa

Hope you all enjoyed it and hope you'll have a great day! 

Don't forget to stay tuned for more about my daily life as a Sweden-born Thai Muslim girl with a heart of writing! 

xoxo itsfaarida


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