What is Fasting?

Asalamualaikum (May peace be upon you)

         What is fasting? What do Muslims do when they fast? When do they fast? What can and can't they do during this time? 

          As the month of Ramadan has arrived, Muslims all over the world who has the ability, have now begun the annual "fasting". This month gains so much attention from both Muslims and non-Muslims, mainly because of this act. Even though Ramadan is about so much more than fasting, in today's blog posts, I would actually like to focus on this significant and well-known particular act, that is, Fasting 💝 (For more info about what Ramadan is, click on the link to check out my previous blog --> What is Ramadan?)


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Fasting  is a well-know act most people around the world are familiar with. It is not strange that most people would define this deed as only abstaining from all food and drinkable liquids. But, as I've said before, fasting is so much more than that. And I would like to take some time today to give some information about some of the basic questions about fasting.

🌙 What is the purpose of fasting?

     The word "Taqwa" in Arabic means "piety" - the quality of a believer that makes him/her aware of Allah all the time. Taqwa is a highly important aspect in a Muslims life because a person with Taqwa will have the desire to do good and abstain from evil for Allah. However, acquiring this piety takes both patience and perseverance. That is why one of the main qualities to gain Taqwa, is to practice the act of fasting because it takes a lot of patience.


     Moreover, another significant purpose fasting has is that it is another great tool to help you gain self-restraint. Our prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said that fasting is like a shield that protects humans from sins and craving lustful desires. 

🌙 Who must fast?         

     Fasting is an act that all Muslims all over the world must do in Ramadan IF they have the ability to do so. That means that there are certain rules to determine if you are able to fast, as in that it is obligatory to those who are a male or female adult Muslims, who has reached puberty and is sane, or those who aren't sick or travelling. 

🌙 What is the timeline of fasting?

 Eat Sahur - a pre-dawn meal which is eaten before the time of Fajr prayer begins.
 Start your fasting and during it, abstain from not only food and drinks but from evil actions, thoughts and words. (More info in link What is Ramadan? ) 
 Eat Iftar - Break your fast after sunset. It is important not to wait another minute and break it imminently after sunset or when the time of Maqrib prayer starts.

🌙 Do's and Don't during your fast


 DONT - Eat or drink.

 DO - Take injections, medicines (through needles) or blood tests/donations.

 DONT - Smoke or take any nutritious thing through your mouth, nose or other parts of your body (ex, through needles)

 DO - Use perfumes, eye drops or wear contact lenses/make-up.

 DONT - Have sexual intercourse or other sexual contact that may lead to ejaculation (in men) or vaginal secretions. (Only during your fast or during the day)

 DO - Other actions to show affection (ex, give kisses & hugs) to your husband or wife, but try to avoid so that it does not go any further that what is forbidden during the fast.

 TRY- Refrain your body from any nonsensical or unlawful acts towards yourself or others, such as, gossiping, cursing, backbiting, touching or taking anything that does not belong to you, going to sinful places etc....

 DO - Brush your teeth, rinse your face and mouth. (It's okay if you unintentionally swallow water while doing so)

 DO - Take showers or baths. I feel like doing this can help spike up your body and feel fresher and more cheerful.

Last but not least

 TRY - To read as much from the Quran as you can since this month is when the Quran was sent. 

 TRY - To pray as much as you can because this month is all about forgiveness and reflecting yourself back to the creator.

 TRY - To do as much good deeds as you can in order to change into a better version of yourself. Give charity, happiness and love to those who lack it. Spread love and peace to those who are ignorant. Change yourself to prove that everyone deserves a second chance.


As you can see fasting is not only about not eating or drinking. There is so much more than meets the eye. I hope that this post will help answer the questions above about "What fasting is, What Muslims do when they fast, When they fast, and What they can and can't do during this time? "

If you have anything you would like to share about fasting or Ramaadan, please comment below. I would love nothing more than some feedback from you! and....

don't forget to "Stay Awesome!" 😄

xoxo itsfaarida

PS: A big thank you to these sources for information.


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