Nobody's Perfect


       Last week I was given the assignment to write a speech about personal change and since this week has been a busy week for my family and me and I had this blog article I wrote on Friday evening so when I finished posting it, I sat down and try to write my speech. However, since I'm not really a writer or anything, I thought that writing the speech would be easy by just writing whatever popped into my head or my thoughts, but then I experienced something I never thought coming...
I had "writer's block"!!!

So after experiencing this awful thing I decided to google about how to get rid of it and an hour later, I ended up on youtube, watching Hannah Montana... ★ Don't ask me how, cuz even I have no idea what happened :P
After watching a few episodes I heard this song: 

♫ Everybody makes mistakes,
Everybody has those days
Everybody knows what I'm talking about
Everybody has those days... ♫

I started to sing along stupidly but then .... 
ϟ Everything just clicked and my head was full of ideas for my speech! ϟ

Who would ever have thought that a childhood Disney series was going to help me write my university assignment! :D

Here's what I came up with:

Speech of personal change
            There’s a quote that people always use, which goes “Nobody’s Perfect”, but is it really true? Do you personally think no one is perfect, including you?
I am perfect. You may be thinking, “Wow, your ego isn’t big!” But let me tell you something. I believe in Allah, and I believe that Allah never makes mistakes, ever. So, therefore, I think I’m physically perfect. Yes, you heard me right, physically. I think that my body is in the perfect shape that it’s made, because God made it for me, and although I’m having a hard time to be proud and confident of it, I still don’t want to change anything about it.
            When people say, “Nobody’s Perfect” they often mean your personality or your habits, because we all have flaws and if we were perfect, we wouldn’t have made any mistakes in our lives, which is basically impossible, because we are human beings. So what are my flaws, you might wonder?

I have many flaws, some of them I don’t want to change because they make me who I am, but other that I need to change in order to grow up and become a better person. Since about a year ago, I’ve lived under a motto that I found which is “Always be a better you” and it’s from this motto I’ve learnt that it’s okay to have flaws, as long as they don’t make you a bad person or a bad version of yourself. Changing a bad habit is a really hard thing to do, especially when you’ve been stuck with it for so many years. So by changing those flaws or habits, I am currently trying to study and learn more about Islam and what Allah has taught us humans in the Quran because it helps me develop into a better Muslim, which I believe is also going to make me become a better person. The basic method I’m using now is that I choose one bad habit and focus on changing that habit for 30 days. In these 30 days, there will be some moments that I’ll forget that I’m trying change and continue doing it, but I’ll put up post-it notes on the wall of my room with different quotes or inspirations, like, “In order to become a better me, I need to change this” or “No one can change for you.” Or “Becoming a better me will make Allah, my family and myself proud” etc. I’m pretty confident that this method will help you change a bad habit because I’ve done this one time before when I was trying to change my insecurity and it’s really worked.  
So, do I think that nobody’s perfect? Well, I think that nobody is born perfect, but I also believe that as we grow up, we can change become a perfect version of ourselves.

Thank you! 

      I know this may not have been my best speech, but I'm hoping that it'll be enough for me to pass and if you're reading this, I really really hope that you'll get some knowledge out of it and that it'll help you with your struggles. 

"Always be a better YOU!"

xoxo itsfaarida


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