When your heart breaks into million pieces

“Missing someone gets easier every day. 
Because, even though it is one day further from the last time you saw each other, 
it is one day closer to the next time you will.”  
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♡ Losing someone close to you is always one of the hardest things to accept in life. 
Missing someone you know you won't be able to see again is one of the most heartbreaking feelings you can ever get. 

I have always been blessed with a wonderful family,
a family where everyone is so close so that cousins count as brothers and sisters and aunt and uncles counts as second parents. When I lived in Sweden, one of the things I missed the most about Thailand was my family. Sure I lived with mom and dad and I had three of my siblings near, but I always missed the feeling of having small trips or dinners with my uncles and aunts, playing around with my cousins and having ordinary but somehow special family times, which I always missed out on because I was living too far away. Whenever my friends in Sweden would have bonding time with their families, I would always feel a bit jealous that they had theirs close and mine were thousands of km away. 

So every time I came to Thailand, we would always have a gigantic family day, where all of us Wongsangiam's would get together to eat and basically make up for all of the lost times we weren't together. Then, finally when I moved here, I never missed the opportunity to attend to every single "family meeting, thinking that Allah has blessed us with a perfect family that was going to stay together like this forever.

But one-day reality checked in, and on November 4th, 2015, the truth of life hit all of us hard in the face, when Allah decided that it was time for one of my uncles to say farewell to life. It was a big hit in the heart, reminding us that a perfect life ever after didn't exist here. It called all of our attentions about the value of memories and that you had to collect as much good as you could before it was your time to go. Forget about someone's flaws and always look at one person at the positive perspective. No one is perfect in every way, but we're all perfect in unusual ways, and that's what ties us together. 

It was our families first big loss since our grandmom passed 20 years ago and no one knew what to do or how to react at that moment. I was reminded about a tragedy 1 year ago, and I remember feeling like my heart had broke into millions of pieces once again and thinking that nothing was ever going to be the same again. 

But one thing a special person has taught me throughout this year is that 
"When we go through this kind of trauma, it's more than okay to be sad and grief, but it's no good for you to be miserable and make a mess out of your life. Think about all of the good memories you shared together, keep them safe and move on feeling proud and blessed that Allah gave you  a chance to get to know and connect with that person..."

I think that death isn't really that scary, but it's the state you're in before you die that's scary. So try to make the best out of your life, find the purpose in it and live your life trying to fulfill that purpose as good as you can because every breath we take is a step closer fo death. Nothing in this world will last forever so why not make a best out of life while you still can.
And as cruel as life can be there's no denying that everyone will have a taste of death. Try to love all of those around you as much as you can, create good and valuable memories while you still have the chance and never forget to thank the one who gave you this life and all in it. Be thankful for your family and the bond you share. 

And remember one thing:

I just wanted to share this to all of you who've lost someone. 
I'm sincerely sorry for you loss and I'm sending all of my love and support to you. 
Keep on fighting and never forget that 

Although it's one day further away from the last time you saw each other, it's also one day closer to the next time you will.

xoxo itsfaarida 


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