How to Stop Discrimination
Hi! 😊
This post contains one of my personal work studies. I, therefore hope that it will be informative and beneficial for you.
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👉 If you have followed the news and social media, you will know that the past few months, even the past year has been very hard on our global society. From truck attacks to shootings and even chemical explosions. I feel that all of these so called terror attacks are causing us humans to be scared of each other and some people are even finding it hard to trust their neighbors. As many sees it, this has been the causes of discrimination. However, discrimination or, as most know it as racism, has been around for many centuries and has caused a lot of tension between human being. Therefore, an interesting questions comes to mind when I think about this is: Is there really a way to stop these acts from happening?
✿ So here below, is one text I wrote a while back about how, through my research, we can maybe help stop discrimination. ✿
♥ Have you ever felt troubled by your skin-color, race or religion? Perhaps you can relate to the feeling of being exiled by the society because of these aspects. Discrimination, also known as racism or nationalism, is a cruel act that is happening all over our community and has for a long period of time been a great obstacle towards world peace.
Statistics from Britain has stated that approximately 25% of women in the United Kingdom are being discriminated in their work place. Moreover, other studies have shown that 80% of the American police are more likely to arrest African American individuals and Latinos than white people.
No matter if it is intentional, discrimination is, however, not only causing trouble in United Kingdom or the United States, but it also exists in countless regions and numerous individuals suffer from it daily. Yet this is not a problem that cannot be rectified and can hopefully be prevented by pursuing these following steps.
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♥ Engaging in insensible and callous acts, such as discrimination, often happens when individuals are not fully aware of the damage those acts can cause. Therefore, the acknowledgements of these damages are the initial steps and one of the most significant aspects in preventing discrimination. Being judged or evaluated by physical appearances or beliefs can lead to dreadful and horrendous situations, such as, self-harm, suicide attempts or even successful life ending decisions.
As in a British survey conducted by Stonewall – a charity that campaigns and lobbies for Lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and transgender (LGBT), stated that out of 6,861 who participated in this survey, one out of 10 bisexual and gay men between the ages of 16 and 19 attempted suicide less than a year before taking the survey, as well as one in seven bisexual and gay men were currently suffering from anxiety and depression.
Not only does discrimination cause individual concerns, but it can also become a tremendous social disturbance. In fact, the leading aim of World War II was discovered to begin from the hatred Adolf Hitler retained over the Jewish religion. In addition, an article written by Abdul Malik Mujahid stated that discrimination has been mainly responsible for the death of over 62 million human beings over the last 100 years. Despite that these numbers may not show the authentic damage discrimination has caused, it can be indicated that it has been an extensive problem for many decades. For these reasons, individuals may begin to comprehend the damage and may be basic step to help them cease these harmful behaviors.
♥ On the contrary, there are still countless individuals who do not manage to grasp the damage of discrimination without having personal experiences. Since these prejudiced actions do not occur with everyone, the next step to prevent discrimination is to create sympathy by having individuals acknowledging these cruel situations from a victims’ point of view. Having people reflect racist actions to themselves or their loved ones can strictly decrease discrimination.
♥ On the contrary, there are still countless individuals who do not manage to grasp the damage of discrimination without having personal experiences. Since these prejudiced actions do not occur with everyone, the next step to prevent discrimination is to create sympathy by having individuals acknowledging these cruel situations from a victims’ point of view. Having people reflect racist actions to themselves or their loved ones can strictly decrease discrimination.
According to various victims who have been rejected or ignored by others due to their physical appearance, race or beliefs, state that they have suffered through anxiety, sorrow, depression, or even guilt by being discriminated.
However, by sharing their wounding experiences with others, they explained that it has helped them reach another level of respect and sympathy from individual’s around. In fact, people whom these experiences have been shared to, have comprehended a more optimistic and equal mindset. Some have even been more careful about their actions. Therefore, this is an additional step to prevent discrimination.
♥ After gaining sympathy and respect to the victims of discrimination, the next step that will help prevent these actions is to alternate critical thinking into a further optimistic and open-minded view point. By doing this, individuals will have to get familiar with the worlds’ diverse cultures and countries. One of the methods used to pursue this step is to encourage language and culture studies or engage diverse individuals in various activities to let them share fascinating or heart whelming information about their countries, cultures or beliefs. Another method that can be used is to start educating young children that our world is indeed, an enormous home, shared with countless other individuals who may not be similar to them, but are charming and exotic in their own unique way. Moreover, it is highly important to make youngsters comprehend that just because some may look more superior than others on the outside does not mean that they have the right to judge others by their own standards.
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♥ Getting acquaint with other cultures or societies, however, is not always enough to prevent discrimination. Moreover, the another significant reason to this problem often comes from adults who are incompetent role models. As we all know, no child is born with the ability to differentiate individuals by their choices, cultures or religions. The causes of these racist acts often come from imitations children learn from adults. Parents or guardians should be sufficient examples in terms of actions, attitudes or even word choices, since these individuals have a great impact on a child’s behavior. If a child starts to indicate racist bearings, adults should make a rapid action to dissolve these actions by informing them of the value of accepting diversity. As from this quotation:
“Encourage our children to think through the consequences of prejudice & discrimination for themselves” —BarnadosAn additional and highly recommended aspect to prevent the younger generations from destructiveness caused by discrimination is to teach them to accept that no one is better than anyone, and that the value of human beings is measured by hearts and not physical appearances.
♥ To conclude, these following steps might look general in several aspects, but by following them, I strongly hope that it can be another process to prevent discrimination. No individual chooses to be disabled, trans-gendered, homosexual or to even have a different skin or hair color. Therefore, it is extremely important for all human beings to respect and appreciate the diversity in our society in order to help develop our world into a more peaceful home for the younger generations. Learn to treat people the way you want to be treated and accept people for who they are, as you want to be accepted for who you are. As a result, we may be a helping hand to an improving and more tranquil generation.
✿ So let me end this post with a quote from Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) about equality in Islam. ✿
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✿ I really hope you enjoyed this and that it was beneficial for you in one way or another. All I'm truly wishing for is world peace. (No, I'm not running for Miss Universe :D )
✿ Thank you for checking it out and if you have some new ideas or comments, please leave them here below. I would love to know your thoughts.
Don't forget to "Stay Awesome!" 😆
Don't forget to "Stay Awesome!" 😆
xoxo itsfaarida
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