Embrace your awesomeness ✌


Hey guys! 

Ever wondered why the English language has got such a big influence in our society? 
Or why everyone has to learn it even though it isn't the first language in our country?

I have always loved languages. I love how so many languages can define who we are, our culture and society.
I especially love English, I honestly don't know when I became interested of it, but one thing I know is that it may not be my first language, but I've always been excited and eager to learn more of it. But other languages, I just love to listen to them. Especially Spanish, Franch, Japanese and Korean. It doesn't even matter if I get it or not, just speak to me in a language I don't understand and I can listen to you for hours. :P

As you all might know, learning a different language than your own is very hard. Especially  when your first language is so different in both the speaking and writing terms, like in Thailand. So many people have been asking me to give some tips about how to learn English or a new language faster. I have to be honest and say that I'm not very good at giving advice, but I'll try my best. ><

So here are some of the things I think are very important on how to learn and understand a new language faster is:

❤ Effort
is one of the most important things in my opinion. No matter what subject or language you're studying the one thing you need to nail it is an effort. It won't even matter how hard or complicated that language is, if you put all your effort into it, I almost guarantee you that once you get it, you're going to be a pro at it. ><

Learning a different language is  about daring yourself to talk to the native speakers, challenging yourself with new words and phrases and believing in yourself that "I can do it!!". So if you're not confident with yourself, then how are you going to learn how to speak?

is also very important. You have to have that feeling that you want to learn it and that you're excited to know more about it. Without an interest in the thing you studying, your chance of actually learning it faster is pretty low.

It's always good to be modest about your knowledge. If you show arrogance or too much confidence it can easily become a weapon towards yourself. One thing that often happens to people who arrogant is that their mistake gets bigger and uglier than the once who are modest.

Aim for your goal! 
We all have different goals in our life. For those who wants to learn a new language, set your goal a little higher than "I just want to learn some meanings to communicate". Set the goal on "Fluently", so that one day when you've reached it you can feel extremely proud of yourself and your knowledge for that language will automatically increase without you even noticing it. But also remember that "It's okay to shoot for the stars and land on the moon."

And last but not least advice (in my opinion) is..........

Embrace your awesomeness! Everyone is awesome at something. It doesn't have to be a subject, but it can also be a skill or ability, like sports, arts or like me, I'm awesome at talking. :P Many people I know always say that I'm a very talkative person, so some people never get bored when they're with me while others feel very annoyed around me... But that's now the point :P The thing is, find what you're good at and make that your motivation to learn new things. Ex: "If I'm awesome at swimming, why can't I be awesome at English?". It may seem like two whole different things to compare, but it'll give you a motivation of that feeling you get when you're proud of yourself for being good at something and then wanting to feel proud of the other things too. 

So I don't know if these pieces of advice are good inspiration enough for you guys, but I really hope that at least someone finds this useful >< 



Never forget that we all were born without any knowledge except the ability in eating and sleeping all day, so we learn new things every day. So why not challenge yourself in learning something different and useful, like another language? It's always hard when you don't have any knowledge about it, but I'll get easier once you know. :D

A good, good luck to everyone who's taking on the challenge on learning a second or third language, or more than that.. :P

xoxo itsfaarida

PS: If you've got any tips or advice on how to learn another language faster, please share them with me in the comments below 


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