When Life is Full of Question Marks


Have you ever notice that the older you get, the lesser impact your birthday has on you? Maybe I'm the only one feeling that way, but I've noticed that over the last 3-4 years, I haven't really been that excited when my birthday arrives. Maybe it's because as we're getting older and we have more to worry about in life than when we were small. Or
maybe it's because turning a year older can be scary because it reminds us that time truly waits for no one.

For me, turning 24 hasn't had a great impact on my life at all. Many people at this age have accomplished great things for themselves and are on their path to success. Whilst I feel like I'm one of those people who's still figuring things out in life and sometimes feel like I don't even know myself. 

As I'm still pursuing my bachelor's degree in Liberal Arts in English here in Thailand, and am in my last semester before graduation, countless people I know have started to ask me these agonizing and pressuring questions.

👉 What are you going to work with?
👉 What do you want to be when you graduate?
👉 What are your plans after graduation?
👉 How do your plans look in the future?
👉 What are your goals in life?

Well, they're basically curious about what I'm going to do with my life now that I won't be safe in the nets and fences of an institute for long. And though I know everyone means well, it kind of drives me crazy sometimes when I get asked too much. And I honestly have the same answer to all of those questions:

...I don't know...

Honesty, I am still at that stage where I'm trying to figure things out. Not only with my future life goals but also with myself. I have been criticized and pressured a lot about these things since many people are starting to depend on me to have my life figured out before I graduate. However, there's really not much I can do about it except work on myself. It's not as easy for everyone to know what they want to do with their lives. You need to learn through experiences, failures, and successes. And it takes time. Time to learn from your mistakes and time to figure out what's best for me, myself and I. 

I am still until this day struggling with insecurities and social acceptance. I sometimes don't have the courage to be myself 100% around some people because I'm afraid they're going to judge me because of my differences. There was even a time when I was so scared to disappoint certain people, that I acted and behaved in a way I knew would be acceptable to them...  But all of this just made me feel worse and up until now, I'm still working on all of these things. 
As for now, living life one day at a time. I'm a year older, ready to see what life has to offer and I'm standing by my life motto my precious sister has taught me: To be a better version of myself!

Therefore, I have decided to write this blog post today, because I want to encourage you to be yourself! I want you to know that it is OKAY to feel trapped in time and lost in life. There's nothing wrong with not knowing everything. Don't let others pressure you when they don't even know what you're going through. Don't let yourself be criticized because of some questions you still don't know the answers to. 

Take your time to learn! Make mistakes, take risks and learn about yourself. Get to know who you are and what you want to provide for yourself.

❤ What do YOU want?
 What do you know is best for YOU?
Because no one knows you better than yourself!!

It's also OKAY to struggle with your life. You have me, and so many others in this world who are in the same position as you are. Don't let your struggles bring you down! Use it as a force to strive forward because every obstacle we meet is there to make us stronger.

Don't compare yourself to others, because it's impossible to compare a person who is limited edition. Everyone has their own uniqueness! 
YOU are unique in your own way and you should be proud of that. 

That's it for my blog post this time! 
I'm sending virtual hugs to everyone who needs a little bit of a boost to go on.
Let's figure life out together because sometimes uncertainties can be exciting! 

Don't forget to "Stay Awesome!" 😆

If you have any tips, motivations, inspirations or encouragements, feel free to share them in the comments below. Or if you have anything you'd like to add or would like to share some personal experiences, I really would love to hear them so comment on!

xoxo itsfaarida


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