Long time no blog..

Hola mi amigos!!

       Wow.. It's been so long since my last blog. I actually just realized that I almost forgot that I had a blog. (Whoopsie) 

But now--->   I'm back baby!! ✌️

To be honest, I don't really know if I'll have that much time to blog but I'm going to try my best.

     Right now, I'm at that moment in life, where you're in between a teenager and an adult, (Or as Britney would say "I'm not a girl, not yet a woman")  and at this moment in life, there's an LOT that's so stressing!! -.- And this last year has been a very difficult and painful year for me so that's one of the reasons I haven't been able and haven't felt like blogging. And because of all the school work :P Allah has really tested my patience and my faith.
     SO.... I just finished high school here in Thailand, but many of you are probably thinking "How can she be 20 and just finished high school?". So let me do a little explaining about that...

>>As you all might know, I was born in Sweden. Lived there for almost 13 years and then I moved here to Bangkok. So by living in Sweden with my Thai parents who worked 24/7, I could only speak the Thai language, but I couldn't write or read it. So when we moved here I had to enter a Thai school to continue my studies. For a 13-year-old born in the first half of the year, you had to be in grade 8 or 9 but because I could only speak Thai I had to start all over again and begin to study in grade 7. As I entered this school I slowly began to learn to read and write this fantastic language with so much help from my parents, friends and teachers. Up until now that I've graduated, I can finally speak, read and write Thai fluently but my penmanship is still developing :P <<

Now that I've graduated from high school I've been thinking to continue my studying and I'm currently applying to the university (college). I'm planning on studying the English program because I love the English language so much and since I've been fighting with this Thai for almost half my life, I want to try something different. So wish me good luck :D

 So I just wanted to inform you guys that I'm still alive :P and that I will try to update more often.  I wish all of you readers the best and thanks for being patience with me :D

Ps: If you're wondering I've changed my name a little bit from "ItsFaridaa" to "Itsfaarida"  for just random reasons. No biggie :D

xoxo Itsfaarida


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